What’s Up! May 2020

A monthly look at astronomical events in the sky and on Earth

Well, were you able to take advantage of that wonderful run of clear, moonless nights during the second half of April? I hope so, because from about May 3rd right through to the end of July, it doesn’t get astronomically dark at all. And this prevents observation of all but the brightest deep sky objects, and even those can only be seen between midnight and 0200 BST.

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Our first online meeting

We held our first online meeting on Friday 24 April using the Zoom software. As a trial run, members only were invited and over 20 joined. Invitees were asked to suggest something astronomical to to during the lockdown (see link to Powerpoint document below for details).

The meeting was deemed a great success, so we plan to do one a month during the Covid-19 lockdown.

Slides from the meeting (downloadable Powerpoint file).

Graham Moore gave a short talk on astrophotography using a DSLR camera. He has posted the talk on Facebook.