Astronomy Presentations

The York Astronomical Society (YAS) Member’s Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month, except for August or Public Holidays.

All meetings now take place at Beetle Bank Farm, Moor Ln, Murton, York YO19 5XD (Directions Beetle Bank Location).

Doors open at 7:30 p.m. for an 8:00 p.m. start. The entry fee is £3 for members and £6 for non-members, and drinks will be available from the Café. (How to join/become a member).

The table below shows our 2025-2026 meetings, which will be updated regularly. For more details, see the Calendar in the Members Area.

Upcoming Meetings

Date Title Speaker
07/02/2025 Member’s Evening – Short Talks York AS Members
21/02/2025 Binocular Astronomy Andrew Stephenson
07/03/2025 Cosmological Extremes Gerry Fisher
21/03/2025 Building a Radio Telescope Rod Hine
04/04/2025 Stellar Winds: Givers and Takers of Life Brad Gibson
02/05/2025 The Pluto System Dave Armeson
16/05/2025 How it Began: The Origins of Lunar Exploration: 1958–1976 Peter Rea
06/06/2025 Toads, Earthworms and Slugs Among the Stars David Harper
20/06/2025 Visual Astronomy: Alive and Kicking! Simon Bennett
04/07/2025 Galaxies: Citizens of the Universe Dave Armeson
18/07/2025 When Worlds Collide Roy Gunson
  2025 – 2026  
05/09/2025 The Largest Telescope on Earth: From an Inch to Forty Metres Jurgen Schmoll
19/09/2025 Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: An Update Dave Armeson
03/10/2025 Convair: Model T Ford to Titan Launchers Martin Dawson
17/10/2025 A Week on Mount Hamilton: Personal Recollections David Graham
07/11/2025 Everything You Might Want to Know About . . . Nebulae Robert Williams
21/11/2025 The Star of Bethlehem Brad Gibson
05/12/2025 Christmas Lecture Dave Armeson
19/12/2025 Festive Meal, Observing and Quiz Evening York AS Members
02/01/2026 Members Evening – Short Talks York AS Members
16/01/2026 Astronomy on Two Wheels (Occasionally Four) Martin Dawson