What’s Up December 2023

A monthly look at astronomical events in the sky and on Earth

Compiled by Steve Sawyer

Hi, welcome to the last Whats up of 2023, and early seasons greeting from me!
It’s nearly time to dust of the Christmas decorations and start dropping present hints for the latest astronomy gadgetry. There’s a few ideas below. The book links are to Amazon and will generate a small commission which I’ll pass onto the society. Continue reading

What’s Up November 2023

A monthly look at astronomical events in the sky and on Earth

Compiled by Steve Sawyer

Hi, Welcome to Novembers What’s up! We’re now coming to the time of the year when the nights are getting longer with the darkest nights still to come. This month we can look forward to Jupiter being the star of the show as it reaches opposition on the 3rd, and the Leonid meteor shower reaches it’s peak on the 17th. We also have the occultation of Venus taking place on the 9th November, so there’s plenty to see this month. Continue reading

What’s Up October 2023

A monthly look at astronomical events in the sky and on Earth

Compiled by Steve Sawyer

Hi welcome to Octobers What’s up. We’re now moving into darker and longer nights with the end of BST on the 29th. Last month saw the society celebrate it’s 50th Anniversary with a special all day event which was well attended and great fun.
This month we have the Orionids and a partial lunar eclipse to look forward to.

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What’s Up September 2023

A monthly look at astronomical events in the sky and on Earth

Compiled by Steve Sawyer

Hi welcome to September What’s Up.. I hope everyone has booked their tickets for York Astro’s 50th Anniversary on the 2nd, as the program of speakers is excellent!
So onto what’s happening this month, well dark skies return with the arrival of Autumn and the time around the equinox has proven to be an excellent time for Aurora spotting. There’s also a comet to look out for too.

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What’s Up July 2023

A monthly look at astronomical events in the sky and on Earth

Compiled by Steve Sawyer

Hi welcome to Julys what’s up. This month we have the 1st supermoon of the year (expect the usual media hype), Venus is at it’s brightest and the Earth is reaches it’s furthest point from the Sun (known as aphelion). Don’t forget July is also an excellent month for spotting noctilucent clouds.

So what’s on this month?

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What’s Up June 2023

A monthly look at astronomical events in the sky and on Earth

Compiled by Steve Sawyer

Hi welcome to Junes whatsup. We’re now approaching the summer solstice and although we have no true darkness this month, take the time to enjoy the summer constellations and (hopefully) warmer nights!

So what’s on this month?

As mentioned last month June and July are peak noctilucent cloud months. We also have the summer constellations of Hercules, Scorpius, Lyra, Cygnus and Aquila. Also Venus and Mars encounter the Beehive cluster (M44).

Please feel free to send any images you may like including in next months whatsup to noreply@aew.uk or you can post them to the societies Facebook group for posting any images you wish to share Facebook group link : https://www.facebook.com/groups/yorkastro

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What’s Up May 2023

A monthly look at astronomical events in the sky and on Earth 

Compiled by Steve Sawyer

Hi welcome to Mays whatsup. We have plenty to look at this month :- some more Meteors, an ocultation, conjunctions and the spring constellations.

So what’s on this month?

One of the highlights is the Aquarid meteor shower: The Eta Aquarid meteor shower is an annual event that will peak in early May. It is caused by debris from Halley’s Comet. We also have an oculatation of Jupiter by the moon which will make for a good photographic opportunity

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