What’s Up September 2024

A monthly look at astronomical events in the sky and on Earth

Compiled by Steve Sawyer

Hi welcome to Septembers whats up. September brings darker evenings which are hopefully still warm! And there’s plenty to see in the night sky with constellations like Andromeda, Taurus, and Gemini rising in the east, and the Milky Way arching across sky. We also have strong solar activity, a partial lunar eclipse and even some planets to view!

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What’s Up August 2024

A monthly look at astronomical events in the sky and on Earth

Compiled by Steve Sawyer

Summer appears to be here at the moment so enjoy it whilst it lasts. hopefully we’ll have some warm clear evenings to enjoy the annual Perseid meteor shower, there’s also a lunar occultation of Saturn to enjoy. Another sight to look for at this time of year is the Milky Way as it stretches across the southern sky. So if you have a dark sky location have a look.

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